Guns, Uncategorized
.380 Conversion 1903 Colt Pocket Hammer
The Old Colt 1903 Pocket Hammer in .38 ACP is an amazing pistol in its own way but is a bit dangerous to shoot in modern times with full power ammunition. We are currently working on a .380 ACP Conversion Kit for these old guns that will limit the amount of stress on the mechanical components and allow the owner to shoot with much less fear of damage to the gun or themselves. Another upside to the conversion is the availability of ammo and no longer being capable of full power 38 super loads chambering in the gun leading to catastrophic results. This conversion will not require permanent alteration to the firearm or ruin its collectibility.
Look for an update on this project from us soon!

Ken Albin
I ran across your blog and found it interesting. I have a Colt 1903 pocket hammer 38 ACP that I got from my father. It is in nice shape and years ago I shot it with 38 cartridges. I was wondering how your conversion is coming along. It is almost impossible to find 38 ACP ammunition now and the .380 would certainly be easier on this old gun. Let me know if you had any success as I would be interested in a conversion kit. Thanks.
It was too cost prohibitive to proceed unfortunately. I have two of my own that are converted and run great but there isn’t a market at the price point they would have to be t to make a profit
Ken Albin
That is a shame. I love that old pistol my dad left to me but now it is almost impossible to get 38 ACP for it and I do not have dies for reloading that caliber. Maybe some day I will find a box of shells and I can shoot it again. It is in great condition. Wish that people still made guns like that but most of them now are plastic copies of Glocks. The only ones I have found over the years of that high quality is my 22 Ruger Mark I target pistol and a Smith and Wesson 439 9 mm. Thanks for the reply and sorry it did not work out for you..
Email me, [email protected]. I believe I have some reloading dies and components for the caliber